The Bitter Truth

In one of the talks of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitchak Schneersohn, he once repeated an exchange that took place between the holy chossid, Reb Michale Apotzker and his student, Reb Shmuel Betzalel Sheftel (Rashbatz).

“Listen up Shmuel Betzalel: You are too young to understand or feel the great pity of the mistake that you are making, thinking that us elders are chassidim. We saw true chassidim and we know that we are complete nothings. We are “dried wood,” while the chassidim of old had true feeling [for G-d].[1]

When Reb Shmuel Betzalel repeated this episode at a chassidic gathering, he concluded with a statement concerning the young chassidim of his own generation:

“They are lazy and desire “bread” for free. They have no concept of the meaning of ‘intellectual toil.’”

(Likutei Dibburim, Vol. 3 Pg. 684)


If these giants had this to say about themselves, we are truly nothing. However, we should not let our insignificance stop us from transforming the world and bringing Moshiach.

[1] It is important to note that Reb Michael himself was an awesome chossid. He experienced Ruach HaKodesh, merited to a revelation of the prophet Eliyahu, and was constantly surrounded by angels who would do his bidding. (HaTammim, Vol. 1, Pg. 69, Likutei Sippurin, Pg. 50, Sefer HaSichos, 5700, Pg. 93.)

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