Waking Like a Lion

The holy Rebbe, Reb Zushe of Anipoli, once asked and answered the following question:

In the Code of Jewish Law, Laws of Waking in the Morning, it states (Orach Chaim, 1:1):  “One should strengthen himself like a lion to get up in the morning to serve his Creator…when he lies on his bed he should know before Whom he lies.”

What is the reason that the statement “when he lies,” which deals with going to sleep, is found in the section that discusses the laws of waking up?

However, the answer is obvious, said Reb Zushe:

“When one goes to sleep like a horse, it is impossible to awaken like a human being. Only if at the time the individual goes to sleep, he does “know before Whom he lies,” can he then awaken “like a lion…to serve his Creator.”

(Sippurim Chassidim, Vol. 1 Pg. 135)

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