Parshat Pinchas – HaShem’s Promise to the Festival Pilgrims


By Avner Friedmann

A major portion of this week’s Parsha describes the additional offerings that were brought in the Tabernacle and later in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem during the three Pilgrimage Festivals-Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. These Holidays were propitious occasions for experiencing closeness of HaShem and being imbued with the spiritual inspiration necessary to fulfill their holy mission throughout the rest of the year.

The Torah states,[1] “Three times a year all your males shall appear before the L-rd HaShem, the G-d of Israel. For I shall banish nations before you and broaden your border; no man shall covet your land when you go up to appear before HaShem, your G-d, three times a year.” Rashi explains, “Because you may live at a distance from the Temple and not be able to always appear before Me, therefore I designate three Festivals for you in which every adult male must be in Jerusalem.”

This mitzvah, that all males must simultaneously leave their homes, fields, businesses and communities thrice yearly, is very puzzling, for one could ask, “If all adult males leave for Jerusalem, who will be left to guard their families, property and communities from robbery, mayhem or conquest? It could not be the police or military, since they too were duty-bound to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

However, the verse, “For I shall banish nations before you and broaden your border; and no man shall covet your land when you go up to appear before HaShem your G-d,” gives an explicit pledge from HaShem of Divine protection.  HaShem promises that though in natural terms, the country seems to be vulnerable to conquest, no such thing will happen. Although, it seems to be unprotected, it will have the protection of HaShem!

In other words, if HaShem commands all adult males to appear before Him in Jerusalem, surely he will guard their land, families and property from enemies; after all, they do this only to follow His will. The fear of HaShem would be placed in the hearts of the surrounding nations, so that they would not dare go to war at such a time against Israel.[2] Moreover, the women and children left behind would not be fearful of vulnerability,[3] as written, “You shall not fear them, for HaShem your G-d, He shall wage war for you.”[4]

The Talmud states[5] that whoever is on a mission to perform a mitzvah remains unharmed, both on his way to do the mitzvah and on his return from doing it. This is as promised, “No man will covet your land…” It further states that even his cow grazing in the meadow and his hen picking in the heap would be unharmed by predators. Upon his return, everything would be in order, just as he left it.

The Midrash[6] relates a story about two wealthy brothers who lived in Ashkelon. Their non-Jewish neighbors were very wicked and decided that when the brothers made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem on the upcoming festival, they would destroy their homes and steal their possessions. When the festival arrived, the neighbors noticed that the brothers stayed at home and did not make the pilgrimage. They assumed that they must have miscalculated when the Jews have their holiday.

A couple of weeks passed and they noticed the brothers returning loaded with gifts. The neighbors asked, “Where are you coming from?” “From Jerusalem, of course”, said the brothers. “But how could that be?” said the neighbors, “We saw you going in and out of your house the whole time!” At this point the neighbors realized that HaShem must have sent angels to take their place, so that no harm should come to their property and the neighbors exclaimed, “Blessed is the One Who keeps His promise.”

Indeed, throughout the centuries that the first and second Temples stood, this miracle was witnessed three times a year. Large territories were left undefended and yet there was no aggression from foreign or domestic enemies. Only HaShem, the Creator of heaven and earth and the Giver of the Torah is capable of making such an incredible guarantee!

May we soon witness the open revelation of HaShem’s Divine Presence and His personal supervision and protection of every Jew, with the coming of our righteous Moshiach and the resumption of the pilgrimage to the Third and permanent Holy Temple, speedily in our days. Amen.

[1]  Shemot 34:23-24.

[2] Sforno on the verse.

[3] Abarbanel on Parshat Devarim 3:12-22.

[4] Devarim 3:22.

[5] Pesachim 8b.

[6] Hameiri on Pesachim 8b.

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