Undesired Surveillance

By Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin

A tenant installed a surveillance camera for security, and is asking for reimbursement. Am I required to pay for something that I did not request?

  • Halacha discusses a situation where a person plants his friend’s field on his own which resulted in a gain for the owner.1 If the field is designated for planting, the owner must pay him the bottom end of the going rate since that enhancement would had to be done anyways (e.g. painted a peeling wall).2 If it’s not designated for planting, the worker is paid either his expense (including minimum wage) or the price increase of the field, whichever is less.3
  • Rishonim are disputed on whether the owner can demand that the worker uproot the unwanted tree and not pay,4 and the halacha is that he may. Some acharonim say that in a situation where the worker cannot undo his work (i.e. remove the paint from the wall) all opinions agree that the owner must nonetheless pay for the unwelcome benefit.5
  • If dismantling the addition won’t cause damage to the existing structure, the worker may take it with him if he is unhappy with the pay. However, if by removing it he will cause irreparable harm to the existing structure, the worker must leave it there and accept the basic payment.6
  • If the work wasn’t warranted and the owner claims it wasn’t needed, but he is later heard expressing satisfaction or using the addition, some rishonim7 say that he must pay the full price, and this is the halacha in Shulchan Aruch.8 But if he says right away that he doesn’t need it, but will use it after the fact, he is only obligated to pay the lower rate.9
  • Whether a surveillance camera is considered necessary for a regular home or not will depend on the norm in the area where the home is located.

Reprinted with permission from  Lmaan Yishmeu – a project of Merkaz Anash. To see more articles visit Merkazanash.com

  1. ב”מ ק”א ע”א. שו”ע חו”מ סי’ שע”ה.
  2. ראה קצוה”ח סי’ של”א סק”ב. וגם אם זה יותר מהשבח – נתה”מ סי’ שע”ה סק”א.
  3. סמ”ע חו”מ סי’ שע”ה סק”ב. וראה ערוה”ש סי’ שע”ה סק”ח עוד שיטות בזה.
  4. ראה מחלוקת בזה בטור חו”מ סי’ שע”ה, מ”מ וכס”מ על הרמב”ם הל’ גזילה פ”י ה”ה.
  5. נתה”מ שם סק”ב. אבל ראה קצוה”ח סי’ ש”ו סק”ו שחולק ופוטר הבעה”ב. וראה פתחי חושן בשם אחרונים שבאם הזהירו בעה”ב שלא לעשות כן לכו”ע הבעה”ב פטור.
  6. ראה סמ”ע שם סק”ה.
  7. רא”ש ב”מ פ”ח סי’ מ”ב, ומנגד רמב”ם הלכות גזילה פ”י ה”ח.
  8. שו”ע חו”מ שם ס”ג, אבל ראה ש”ך שם סק”ג שמביא דעת החולקים (וא”כ י”ל שיכול בעה”ב לטעון “קים לי”). וראה פתחי חושן ח”ה פ”ח הערה מ”ד.
  9. ע”פ פת”ח שם הע’ מ’. ראה ב”י סוף ד”ה ומ”ש אמר בעל השדה (משא”כ אם לכתחילה כמשתמש בו סתם שאמדינן דעתיה דניחא ליה). וראה סמ”ע שם סק”ז.


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