The following statement about song was made by the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn:[1]
The “voice awakens intent” is a statement expressed in various places[2]:
“The chassidim of the Alter Rebbe, the Mitteler Rebbe, and by grandfathers Chassidim, had a different song for each manner of Chassidic service. They had a different niggun of awakening before the recitation of a discourse and after, before one had an audience with the Rebbe and after.”
[1] Sefer HaSichos, 5706 Pg. 7
[2] Reishit Hakhma, Shar HeKedusha Ch. 15, Shnei Lukhut HaBrit, Shar HaOtiyot, Kuf, Shulchan Aruch ADHZ, Orach Chaim 61:5, 101:3