Chaim Who Was Able

In Liozna during the time when the Alter Rebbe, was a man who was called “Chaim who was able.[1]

This Chaim was extremely poor and on top of that had a difficult wife who embittered his life. Yet he was always happy and pleasant to be around. Whatever he was asked about, he would respond that “he is able.”

The reason for this peculiar response was that heard that the meaning of the statement (Talmud, Nidda 30b) “They make him swear (mashbi-in) that he will be righteous.” The word swear, Shevua, is related to the word sova, which means satiated.

It is because of this that an individual is always able—for no matter what the evil inclination tells the person, the G-dly soul is satiated with enough energy to overcome any obstacle.

It was due to this that Chaim would always respond that he is able and he procured his nickname.

[1] Sefer HaSichot 5701, Pg. 115

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