Selichot 0

Elections and Slichot

By Rabbi Akiva Wagner   It’s that time again. There’s an election on the horizon, and the various candidates of the various parties are trying to convince the American people that they would make...

Rebbe Rashab 0

15 Minutes

Once, the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer, told an individual in a private audience:[1] “Just as a Jew must lay tefillin daily, so too, it is necessary that each day he contemplate who...

Previous Rebbe 0

A Small Mistake

Once, the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, expressed:[1] “The smallest of mistakes in one’s service of G-d can lead to the greatest of deficiencies.” [1] Likutei Dibburim, Vol. 2 Pg. 696

Yom Kippur - Praying 0

Willful Compulsion

In the Yom Kippur prayers, we ask G-d that he forgive us for “the sin that we committed by compulsion and voluntarily.” While the simple meaning of this statement is that it discusses two...

Charity 0

Weak and Poor

Once, a student in Tomchei Temim, asked his chassidic mentor the following question:[1] “In Tanya[2] is enumerated two methods how to rectify sin: There is fasting, for someone who is physically robust, and charity,...

Storm Raft 0

Regretting Sin

Chassidim would recount in the name of the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the manner that an individual is to regret sinning.