Climate Change and Moshiach?
Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa remarked: “In the time before the coming of Moshiach there will be winters that will not be cold, summers that will not be hot, scholars without Torah, Chassidim without...
The Center For Jewish Thought
Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa remarked: “In the time before the coming of Moshiach there will be winters that will not be cold, summers that will not be hot, scholars without Torah, Chassidim without...
Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Pshischa once remarked: “I am surprised that Moses Montefiore does not purchase the Land of Israel from the Turks.” When asked what the point would be, as Moshiach has not...
Rabbi Meir of Premishlan once remarked: “Master of the universe, if you examine the prayers of the Jewish people, You may find that they pray primarily for money, livelihood and wealth, but if You...
By Rabbi Dovid Markel The chossid R. Chaim Moshe Alperovitz once related an exchange that he had with the chossid R. Yankel Zurbitzer. He recounted as follows: “Once, I met R. Yankel on...
By Rabbi Dovid Markel Once, at a popular fair, where various merchants would purchase their wares, a group of rich Chassidic merchants were present. Each of them began extolling the virtues of their...
Reasons for the commandment of shemita that one refrain from working one’s field for an entire year.
The Jewish people are the purpose of creation.
By Avner Friedmann The Parshah states[1], “When the Most High bequeathed the nations, when He separated the children of man, He fixed the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the children...
This week in the Torah: “G‑d’s nation is a part of Him; Jacob is the rope, His bequest.” (Deuteronomy 32:9) Tanya, Section III, Ch. 5-6: The aforementioned rope refers to the G-dly soul in...
By Shalom Olensky Moses blesses the Jews before his passing. Turning to his tribe, the Levites, Moses blesses them to be devout, to be devoted to the Torah completely, and to teach it...