The Youth Studying Chassidus
Why the Radatz was dissatisfied with Lubavitch – but can we really wait?!
The Center For Jewish Thought
Why the Radatz was dissatisfied with Lubavitch – but can we really wait?!
By Rabbi Dovid Markel In each generation the question of the notability of Avraham’s sacrifice is asked and answered depending on the paradigm of the individual probing the question. Some answers say it...
Why are the wealthy haughty – and is it heaven or hell?
The main thing is that we do not squander out potential.
The Alter Rebbe wished that even his simple chassidim should have a great love to G-d.
What Chassidim expressed about the importance of prayer.
When Chassidim are joyous we have the ability to impact the Rebbe in something that he can only receive from his disciples.
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev toiled endlessly to find merit for the Jewish People.
When the 5th Chabad Rebbe studied chassidut, he felt G-d.
No matter what comes our way, we are able to overcome.